Contact : +91-194-2482288, +91 959 697 222

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About Pashmilon

The paradise on earth has been a hub of extensive cultural heritage in India as well around the globe. A noble idea of carrying forward this legacy stuck a duos engendering what we know today as PASHMILON. The hand embroider and intricately woven shawls with feather light touch of nature’s deftest, finest wool next only to your skin, crafted by skilled artisans, mostly hand-loomed to retain the mark of the artisans who make them. Shawls as a fabric and as a garment has a deep-rooted tradition in Indian culture. The heritage of the shawls extends over many centuries when it adorned the royalty, the kings and their courtiers.

Our organization is promoted by technocrats with a rich experience, who are working with a single-minded motto of devotion to excellence in quality, delivery, and price to suit all types of requirements and occasions. The organization keeps itself updated with the changing trends and innovative designs.

An aide of PASHMILON has been THREAD SPINNERS MILL AND WEAEVE WELL SHAWL INDUSTRY that worked in tandem with PASHMILON since then, the enterprise has a factory, well versed with recent technology and machinery for the production of cloth in industrial area, Srinagar (Kashmir). The yarn used at PASHMILON Is Pashmina, Cashmere, 100% Pure Fine Wool, Pure Silk, Viscose, dyed yarn and Blended Natural Yarn. The establishment employs a large number of people at various levels which have integrated themselves and upheld their values to epitomize a quality cloth production house. Various techniques of cloth production (such as spinning of top for the generation of thread to be used in weaving process) here are new to the valley and employ the best of the present day techniques. Well, it is still drifting towards an improvement – a change for betterment from best.

The market of PASHMILON is thrown open to new establishments across India and abroad on mutual condition and terms to cater the needs all over world, the company pays every need to the overgrowing fashion trends providing an excellent blend of artesian and trendy products. This blend with its extreme quality servers the need for almost all the age sections of the customers. These ornate items will in every manner enchant you, the simple mantra being— just try it and daze the world with its glaze.